Dear members, dear friends,
A difficult year is coming to an end.
We hope that most of your projects and plans have been successful.
Unfortunately, the war situation in the world has not abated and the resulting uncertainty continues to rage in our industry, making it increasingly difficult to plan for the future. And yet agriculture is a mainstay of the economy, as was evident at both of our events.
We are entering the coming year 2025 with faith and optimism!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful New Year 2025!
Maintusz Board of Directors
The management consists of three persons - a chairman, a vice-chairman and a regular member. The members of the management are elected from among those of the association by the general meeting of the organization for a period of three years.
Bence Batthyány
Kristóf Szabadhegy, Christoph Hartig, Dr. Stephan Erdődy
The general meeting (assembly) elects a supervisory board having three members for a period of three years in order that the board controls the operation, finances and management of assets.
The supervisory board performs its activity according to the current rules of law in force and determines its own working order.
Béla Jankovich
Draskovich Nikolaus
regular member of the supervisory board:
Mihály Jankovich
financial and economic desk officer in addition to the management:
Franckenstein Johannes
Liebe Mitglieder,
für alle die eventuell gerne ihr Ungarisch verbessern wollen oder möchten, dass ihre Kinder auch ungarisch lernen:
hier gibt es die Möglichkeit dazu:
liebe Grüße,
Christoph Hartig