Magyar Ingatlan Tulajdonsok Egyesülete


Autumn conference and Annual General Meeting 2021

We invite you to our autumn conference. The venue is the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Széchenyi tér 9, 1051 Budapest.


The management consists of three persons - a chairman, a vice-chairman and a regular member. The members of the management are elected from among those of the association by the general meeting of the organization for a period of three years.


  Bence Batthyány



  Hartig Christoph


regular member:

  Kristóf Szabadhegyi



Supervisory board

 The general meeting (assembly) elects a supervisory board having three members for a period of three years in order that the board controls the operation, finances and management of assets.

The supervisory board performs its activity according to the current rules of law in force and determines its own working order.


  Béla Jankovich



  Draskovich Nikolaus


regular member of the supervisory board:

   Mihály Jankovich



financial and economic desk officer in addition to the management:

     Franckenstein Johannes

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liebe Grüße,
Christoph Hartig